Microel was born in 1995 as a counseling society in developing microprocessor system for the main leader operating in the automation industry and, in particular, in the automatic parking sector, in the ticketing and self-service payment management.
During the years Microel created its own identity starting with the payment system in the carwash sector, becoming leader thanks to our telemetric software, to our always efficient assistance and thanks to the continue developing of product and software, which are requested on the market
We started as a small society, but we grew fast in these years, becoming the society offering the widest range of products for carwash sector.
Given the important success in the car wash sector in 2021, we decided to bring our ideas and innovations to the Laundry sector as well. Starting from a consolidated know-how and decades of experience in the world of self service payments, we are sure that our products and our software solutions are the right choice to meet current and future market needs, especially for the concept of customer loyalty and Smart Laundry!

In addition to the development of new products, we are exploiting the importance of product personalization, reason why we had bought all the tools to be totally autonomous in graphic film printing for the automatic cash machine.
Microel has always made of the innovation and personalized project his strength, satisfying also the most demanding clients. For this reason the most relevant and particular installations have Microel as partner in the payment system.
Thanks to the success obtained, Microel invested in building a new headquarter, opened at the end of 2020. In the new headquarter we set both the store and the production department, in order to make the productive cycle more efficient and sure, not ignoring the green aspect, using a photovoltaic system.
We consider us successful in our business because we are a young society with innovation as live motive. Microel will keep on investing on innovation that is, in our opinion, the key of our success.